The natural supply of macro- and micronutrients and the release of humic substances support vigorous growth and abundant root development. Potgrond is a universal potting soil based on different graded peats selected for their degree of humification, green compost, wood fibre (EcoFibra®), and coir fibre. It is suitable for potting and growing indoor and outdoor ornamental plants and vegetables, for planting hedges and fruit trees, and for planting and maintaining lawns. When mixed with flower and vegetable garden soil, Potgrond universal potting soil improves the physical properties of the soil, facilitating soil preparation and making watering more efficient.
Technical sheet
The humus is 100 % vegetable, full of nutritive elements that are useful for plants, promotes a vigorous growth and an incredible development of the radical system.
These special raw material make the soil soft : the peats are highly performing in terms of plant growth, and they offer an ideal environment for the development of the roots
EcoFibra is a sustanaible, 100% natural raw material that gives to the substrates different and excellent performances in agronomic terms. It Improves root growth and reduces excessive water retention with a better water distribution.
Calibrated peat, 0–40 mm
Green compost
Coir fibre
Organic, allowed in organic farming.
6,5 – 7,5
0,35 – 0,45 dS/m