Naturè is a peat-free universal potting soil with professional quality. Already fertilized, it is ideal for growing and nourishing all plants in the garden, vegetable patch, terrace and interior. Its innovative sustainable formulation was studied and developed by the Vigorplant Research and Development team thanks to the results obtained in numerous field trials with industry professionals. Equipped with a complex composition, it is a versatile and ready-to-use product, usable both in pots and in the ground. The presence in a mixture of different types of fibers helps to grow plants extremely easily: the coconut fiber keeps the humidity stable and avoids water stagnation while the EcoFibra® improves gas exchange and makes the substrate aerated.
Technical sheet

Coconut fiber is a sustainable, 100% renewable and circular raw material, deriving from the processing of the husk, a fibrous mass that surrounds coconuts which is capable of giving stability and drainage to the substrates. The fibres, pre-washed and calibrated, allow you to create an ideal environment also for maintaining humidity and ventilation of the roots.
Peat comes from the partial decomposition of plant material in humid areas and in some climate zones. Its formation process can last several centuries as it forms more slowly than other raw materials and also compared to its own use, thus being non-renewable. For this reason Vigorplant has decided to offer its customers a new and exclusive product, completely peat-free, but with the highest agronomic performances that distinguish our products.
EcoFibra is a sustanaible, 100% natural raw material that gives to the substrates different and excellent performances in agronomic terms. It Improves root growth and reduces excessive water retention with a better water distribution.
Coconut fibre
Coconut Granules
Bark humus

Compound mineral fertilizer NPK + microelements